Since 2002, the Encuentro de Jaraneros de California (EDJ-CA) organization has produced an annual festival at various venues throughout Southern California, such as the historic Plazita Olvera, Plaza Mexico, The LA Plaza, and The Floricanto Center for the Performing Arts. During this time our festival has become the largest Son Jarocho gathering in the United States and we have showcased many of California and Veracruz’s finest jarocho ensembles and ballet folkloricos.
As an organization our objective is to promote and support the Son Jarocho tradition through education, performance, the visual arts, research, and the annual Encuentro de Jaraneros de California. Our vision is to provide Jarocho musicians and dancers with the opportunity to meet, study, share, and perform in a united celebration.
Desde 2002, la organizazion Encuentro de Jaraneros de California ha patronizado un concierto anual, en todo Sur de California como la historica Plazita Olvera, Plaza Mexico, LA Plaza, y The Floricanto Center for the Performing Arts. Durante este tiempo, hemos presentado varios grupos jarochos reconocidos de California y Veracruz. Como organizacion nuestro objectivo es la promocion y difusion de la tradicion del Son Jarocho atraves de la educacion, presentacion, artes visuales, investigacion, y la conducta del anual Encuentro de Jaraneros.
Nuestra vision es ofrecerle al musico y danzante jarocho una oportunidad para conocerse, estudiar, compartir, y presentarse en una celebracion unida.